An old-fashioned kind of game. You have to actually interact with the physical world, can you believe it? Who'd have thought that was still a thing?
Projected Completion Date: Unknown
A new spin on the traditional tabletop RPG, this game began as an idea for an massively-multiplayer online video game and made its way into a board game. The flagship board game of Imperial Panda Games, this game is one of the biggest projects I've undertaken and incorporates a lot of experience and lessons learned across many other games. It features player-versus-player combat and player-versus-enemy combat for up to twenty players. Everyone can play; no Dungeon Master required! A powerful yet easily understood number-based combat system and a slew of items and character custimization make for an engrossing experience. This game has entered the playable Alpha stage of development but is far from complete. Even after completion, it will see several expansion options, including a playable storyline.
Projected Completion Date: Unknown
Do you love action, adventure, and Legos? Then you'll enjoy this game. Played on a custom board designed and built by you using Legos, Fortica is a game of exploration and monster-fighting. Designed for anyone from master builders to those aspiring to be, this game is not only a board game; it is a creative opportunity. The only component of the game on my end is the rulebook: the rest is created by you! This game is currently fully playable, but no one except I can understand the rulebook, so I suppose I cannot yet call it complete.
No games at this point. It is uncertain at the current point which games and ideas I will bring to completion, the most likely ones being Fortica and For Gold, Good, or Glory.
No games at this point. Most likely, the first release will be For Gold, Good, or Glory.